Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas at Gram & Pops

Here's a slideshow of our Teaman Christmas!  

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We want to wish all our friends and family a Merry Christmas!  We treasure each of you and all that you add to our lives. 

May this new year be full of God's blessings, joy and peace!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pictures from Thanksgiving

Sean and Kim...great face Sean

Nora, Cole and Spencer playing the Elefun game

Nora & Vinny...she loved playing with him!

Closeup of Sean and Mom

Dad showing off his missing tooth!  We had some teeth issues this Thankgiving!!!

Getting the food ready

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Elise Micaela

Elise - Soft Mannered (French, English)  

Micaela - God-loving (Hebrew)

Here are some pictures of our little Elise Micaela!  

Here's her nose & lips!

Left Foot

It's a girl!

She kept crossing her legs, during the ultrasound.  Funny, because Nora does that frequently!

After MUCH effort on the Tech's part, she finally let us get a profile pic!  She was moving very much, but never the way the tech needed!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Today is the first day... 16 weeks that I don't have to get my injections!!!!  No waiting in the Dr. Office, no painful injections!!! 

I just hope that stopping them, causes the itching to go away. 
 So far, no cigar.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baby Update...or rather Mommy update!!

The last few weeks I've had a TERRIBLE itching problem.  It started out mild, but by last weekend, it became unbearable.  All over itching made in nearly impossible to sleep at night...which made everything worse!!!

We had an OB appointment today and here's what Dr. Manning decided...

1st - yesterday I had blood work to check the Bile Salts/Liver excretions.  That will take another 5-7 days to get those results back.  IF it is Cholestasis, there is little they can do for me.  They are doing research, but don't think there is any medications that are approved for pregnancy!!  If that turns out to be the case, it's going to be a LONG 20 ITCHY weeks till this baby girl comes!!!

2nd - they have decided to take me off the progesterone injections, in case I'm having an allergic reaction to them.  Basically, my body has such a build up of the progesterone oil, that my body may have begun to reject it.  It's most likely the sesame oil the progesterone is in, not the progesterone itself.

Next week I'll get my progesterone levels checked, to make sure they are still at a safe level.  This is all a bit unerving as the Dr.'s have been so sure I need the progesterone!!!  But, Dr. Manning said that the baby's heartrate is strong, her ultrasound came back normal and even though the levels are low...they ARE moving up, albeit  slowly.  

My weight, measurments, blood pressure and amniotic fluid are all normal.  So, everything looks good, beyond the lack of sleep due to the annoying itching problem! :)