Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Pictures from Thanksgiving
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Elise Micaela
Elise - Soft Mannered (French, English)
Micaela - God-loving (Hebrew)
Here are some pictures of our little Elise Micaela!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Today is the first day... 16 weeks that I don't have to get my injections!!!! No waiting in the Dr. Office, no painful injections!!!
I just hope that stopping them, causes the itching to go away.
So far, no cigar.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Baby Update...or rather Mommy update!!
The last few weeks I've had a TERRIBLE itching problem. It started out mild, but by last weekend, it became unbearable. All over itching made in nearly impossible to sleep at night...which made everything worse!!!
We had an OB appointment today and here's what Dr. Manning decided...
1st - yesterday I had blood work to check the Bile Salts/Liver excretions. That will take another 5-7 days to get those results back. IF it is Cholestasis, there is little they can do for me. They are doing research, but don't think there is any medications that are approved for pregnancy!! If that turns out to be the case, it's going to be a LONG 20 ITCHY weeks till this baby girl comes!!!
2nd - they have decided to take me off the progesterone injections, in case I'm having an allergic reaction to them. Basically, my body has such a build up of the progesterone oil, that my body may have begun to reject it. It's most likely the sesame oil the progesterone is in, not the progesterone itself.
Next week I'll get my progesterone levels checked, to make sure they are still at a safe level. This is all a bit unerving as the Dr.'s have been so sure I need the progesterone!!! But, Dr. Manning said that the baby's heartrate is strong, her ultrasound came back normal and even though the levels are low...they ARE moving up, albeit slowly.
My weight, measurments, blood pressure and amniotic fluid are all normal. So, everything looks good, beyond the lack of sleep due to the annoying itching problem! :)
Friday, November 28, 2008
And the results are...
We are having a baby GIRL!!!
The ultrasound went well, although baby girl wasn't being very cooperative! She kept crossing her legs and wouldn't turn so that we could get a picture of her spine. :) BUT we got it. :)
We are excited to have another little girl and are pretty sure we have a name picked out, but that's for another time. :)
I'll post the pics soon.
The ultrasound went well, although baby girl wasn't being very cooperative! She kept crossing her legs and wouldn't turn so that we could get a picture of her spine. :) BUT we got it. :)
We are excited to have another little girl and are pretty sure we have a name picked out, but that's for another time. :)
I'll post the pics soon.
Monday, November 24, 2008
We are excited!
Only 4 days till we find out if new baby Clark is a boy or a girl!!!!
We are so excited to find out this news and to begin dreaming about what this little girl or boy will be like!! :)
Don't forget to vote!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The First Snow
Here are some pictures of Nora playing in the snow! Of course, she loved it!
(Thanks to Daddy for taking the pictures!)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Aunt Janelle Jinxed us!
So, on Sunday, Aunt Janelle made a comment about Nora's fainting spells. She mentioned that maybe Nora had grown out of them.
Not 2 hours later, Nora fell down the stairs and of course, PASSED OUT! :)
This evening, she hurt the side of her face...and PASSED OUT!
So, I guess Janelle was wrong...she hasn't grown out of it. :(
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Our Time Away
For our 4th Anniversary, Tim and I got away to Spring Lake, NJ. We've been there once before and really enjoyed it!
We stay at The Chateau Inn when we go. During the off season months, they have some reasonable rates and the rooms are very nice and very clean. (A MUST for me)
Spring Lake is a little beachside town, with beautiful homes (more mansions than homes), wonderful restaraunts, picturesque parks and lakes. We love it there! You can catch a train to NY (we have yet to do this, but intend to one of these trips), visit nearby Red Bank for shopping, antiquing and dining as well.
Anyway, it rained most of the time we were there, so we don't have many pictures of the area. So, here's what we have. :) I reccomend this place to EVERYONE!
Our squirrel that was causing QUITE the racket!
A picture by the fire after our dinner at Whispers
We had a fire every night!
The bathroom, with a huge bathtub! I took a bubble bath EVERY night. :)
Our room
I guess I should have turned off the TV! :)
Just before heading out after a great time!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
So, this is my first time using the "Poll" option on my blog. It is very frusterating, because it doesn't tell me WHO is voting!!!! :)
If you voted, please leave a comment. :)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Baby Update
Yesterday we had another OB appointment. Here are the was a short visit. :)
1. We are getting the higher dosage of Progesterone till the 18th, then depending on my levels, we may add another form of progesterone.
2. On the 18th I'm getting a full blood work-up done. I don't know what it's all for, except that it has to do with my health history for Nora's pregnancy. I think they called it a Metabolic something bloodwork.
3. At that time, I will also have to do a 24 hour urine, to check my protien levels. (That is one of the first signs of preeclampsia.)
4. I am officially a "high risk" pregnancy. Basically for now, that only means that I'm only allowed to see Doctors (no midwives or nurse practitioners) for my appointments. They will also be seeing me more often than normal pregnancies.
5. I lost a few more pounds, but the Dr. isn't concerned at this point. I just haven't been able to keep everything down still. Sometimes it's hard to eat.
6. The Baby's heartrate was a strong 150 bpm! That's nice and strong. (Wivestales would say that it's a girl!)
7. Which bring us to the last bit of business. On Black Friday we have a 9:00 AM ultrasound to check all the babies parts...and to find out the sex of the baby!!! :) We are excited about that... and plan to take Nora so she can "see" the baby!!!!
Thank you for your many prayers, we'll keep you updated with any changes!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Discouraging News
Tim and I are away for our anniversary! We are having a great time relaxing and being together, despite the rain. :)
This morning I got a phone call from my OB's office. My progesteron levels have only gone up 1 point in the past two weeks.
This is VERY dissapointing news for me. They are going to up my dosage to the maximum again. I was hoping I was almost done with this, only to find out that no end is near.
More injections...more uncertainty.
Why can't I just have a "normal" pregnancy!?!?!?!?
We have an OB appointment on Friday, so hopefully I'll learn more from that. Hopefully we'll hear the baby's heartbeat again.
Please pray for the protection of our little one. I know that God can choose (and has already) to sustain the life of this child, no matter what my progesteron levels are.
Please pray against discouragement for me. I'm still sick (even while we are away) and that on top of this topsy turvy pregnancy, it's easy for me to be discouraged.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Trick or Treat
We took the kids to Gram and Pops for some trick or treating! The kids loved dressing up and walked around the neighborhood for a good 1 1/2 hours! They loved it! :) Here's a few pictures I was able to get.
My Raggedy Ann

Here is Spencer...uhm I mean Buzz Lightyear!
Nora and Spencer waiting for Cole to make his appearance!!
Picture time before heading out...

They are READY to go!!!!
(When Cameron would ask them "who are you" they would both say, "I'm Cole Paxton Teaman!" and "I'm Spencer!") I guess they get that a lot!
Poppy with the boys
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Baby Update
Here's the latest Baby news...
15 Weeks and 5 days along...
Last week we found out that my progesterone levels rose 7 points!!! This is VERY exciting and the largest jump I've had so far.
We are anticipating that it means my placenta has finally started producing it's own progesterone.
The Dr's reduced my Progesterone Injections in half, so I'm only getting 100 mg, twice a week! This is GREAT news! :)
Next week they will check my levels again, and hopefully we'll continue to see them rise! I also have an OB appointment next week, so hopefully we'll hear the heartbeat again and schedule the 20 week ultrasound!!!! :)
Thanks for your prayers!
Tim and Nic
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Our Day at Lake Tobias!
We had a GREAT day seeing lots of animals and spending time outside.
Here's a slideshow of all our pictures. I warn you, it's long!
Monday, October 13, 2008
OBX - Monday
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