I'm going to put a slide show on the page, so you can see all that we did.
First of all, Sean, Denise, Cameron, Beth Mellinger, Tim and I cleaned out the Garage on Friday. That was a big job! We took 3 truck loads to the dump and our Pop found someone (who turned out to be our cousin) to take away the old riding mower AND OUR VAN! There is NO LONGER A VAN IN THE DRIVEWAY!! That was SO exciting!!!!!
Sean, Denise, Janelle, Cameron, Tim and I along with 28 people from Living Hope went to Mom and Dad's on Saturday, April 19th..and worked all day!
We took 10 truckloads to the compost center...removed limbs and cut back all the bushes...cleaned out the flowerbeds...planted new flowers...washed all the windows, inside and out...cleaned all of the downstairs, I'm talking Denise Teaman clean.
We used toothbrushes, scrub brushes. MAGIC ERASERS ARE AWESOME! Denise used them on most of the walls!!!
We cleaned out the fridge and the freezers! The chest freezer is EMPTY except for the meals that WONDERFUL ladies in our church provided my family with!!!
We cleaned out the Patio, re-screened and painted! Ken Mellinger bought a NEW DOOR and Sean and Cameron spent hours getting it in.
The Laundry room, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen and Family Rooms were cleaned from Top to Bottom. All the curtains were washed, ironed and hung. All the floors, walls and baseboards were washed. This was a true spring cleaning!!
We didn't get that all done in one day, which was the original plan. We all put in hours during the week...finishing up unfinished projects. But, we were so happy to do it. Our goal was that when Mom and Dad got home, their "to-do" list would be a little bit shorter. I hope we accomplished that!!
Here's a few pictures till I get the slide show up.
This Post is dedicated to Kendra Sue Herr!!!!! :)