2 weeks ago, Tim and I decided to start looking for a different living situation. We aren't in a place, where we can purchase a home yet, so our idea was to look for something more permanent till we are able to purchase our own home.
So, we started looking at the local papers with a few things in mind. We want a 1st floor apt (currently living in a 2nd floor apt.), NO MORE COLLEGE STUDENT NEIGHBORS, we want a YARD for Nora to play in, we want a larger living space and 2 or 3 bedrooms and we wanted to stay in the Elizabethtown area.
So, we responded to a house for rent between Hershey and E-town. We went to see it and fell in love with it! It's old, but has a lot of potential. It had a HUGE yard (more than 1/2 acre), 2 bedrooms, wood floors, open living space, large kitchen, small screened in patio, garage, basement, fireplace...and it's surrounded by tree's and fields! We left saying...we love it, but we won't get it.
So, we prayed and prayed. Asked our friends and family to pray! Sent in the application, got our credit report and talked with the owner numerous times. This past Friday, he called again and said he was trying to make his decision, and was picking between us and another couple.
Yesterday, we got the call....we got the house! We have a YARD! We have only 1 neighbor!! No more 3 AM parties!!! We have a fireplace in our living room! We have hard wood floors! We have room for Nora to play!!
We are SO EXCITED!! :) I get to pick out colors to paint the walls! We've never been aloud to paint our walls before!!!
God truly answered our prayers. We really didn't think we would be able to get this place. We applied, thinking we would be denied! But, God had other plans. He gave us the desire of our hearts!! He gave us the push to apply when we thought it was pointless! What a gift he has given us!
Thanks to all our dear friends and family, who prayed that Gods will would be done, but that He would show us favor in this area!! :) We sign the lease tomorrow!
We will let you all know when we move! :)