Tuesday, February 12, 2008


So, here's a bit of what we've been up to. Nothing extraordinary has been going on.

Tim's been working a lot of hours at Staples. His current boss is a bit crazy (in my opinion!!) So, Tim never seems to get away from work. So, he's looking for other options. Please be praying that God would provide him with a different job!

Nora is doing new things everyday!! Last week I bought a potty! I'm being pretty casual about it right now, but the 2 days that we worked at it, she went! The 2nd day she told me 3 times that she had to go! She did a great job! The idea still freaks her out a little, so she sort of fusses and laughs at the same time. It's pretty cute!

She's talking more and more! Here some of the words she says:
"Tizzy" (Lizzy)
"Kai" (which means Spencer, the only thing we can think of, is that she watches Caillou and Cole and Spence do look like him!!)

Abby (both Rachel AND Abigail are Abby!!)
Pee-Pee (what do you tell kids to say when you are getting them to go???)
Night- Night (she says this in a peculiar manner! It involves a kissing sound!!)
"DE" (TV)
"Peas" (Please)
"Tang Tou" (Thank You)
"Eat-eat!" (she always says this when she's hungry)
Hat (she LOVES her hats!)
"Crackey "(Cracker and Cookie Combination)
"Quacky" (Duck)
Amy (this has TWO meanings! Amen...and our dear friend Amy!)

Anyway, here's a video from the Farm Show. It's very cute! I'll put pictures from the Farm Show soon.

Here Nora is begging for Daddy's Cream Soda!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great video - sorry I missed it. I love it that she starts to swallow before the drink actually comes down. We really need to get the kids together - let's try to get a date to come over and we can do lunch. Love you - D