Nora had her 15 month check up and she's doing really well. :) Her height was 30 1/4 inches (41 Percentile); her Weight was 19.13 lb (8 percentile); her Head Circumference was 18 1/4 cm (62 percentile). So, she's growing and doing well.
The Doctor is taking her off her heart monitor and stopping all prescriptions. So, we can officially get rid of all that. (We haven't been using them for a couple months anyway!) We still don't have any answers about her previous episodes and will need to see the cardiologist again. She has a hole in her heart and a murmur as well. If this doesn't close up, she could have a condition that would require antibiotics for certain procedures (like going to the Dentist). It isn't much of a concern now, but when she's in her 50's, it could pose a problem.
She's finally cut another tooth. She now has 3 bottom teeth! :)
I feel like she's getting more active EVERY DAY! She loves to climb on top of things. The other day, she spend like 20 minutes climbing up and getting down off of a plastic storage tub. She climbs onto the couch (and back down) with great ease!!
She has just started taking an interest in Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers Neighborhood! She is captivated by them! :) It's pretty funny to watch her.
Her temper and will are definitely coming out too!!! She can be a screamer!!! It's been a challenge.
She also has decided that she LOVES books. She brings them to us, says "Peas" and finds her way into your lap. She flips through the book and when we don't read to her, she "Reads" to us! It is quite comical! I got a video of it and will hopefully post it sometime soon! (I have to figure out HOW to do that first). I think we'll have to get some more books, because Mommy is getting a little bored reading the same ones OVER AND OVER!!! :)
A quick story...
Last Monday, we noticed that the toilet started getting slow. It just wouldn't flush right. So, we called our landlord and they sent someone to take a look. He tried multiple things...and ended up taking the toilet OFF. Finally, after an hour, he says "I think I found the culprit!" It seems our Little Princess Baby Girl figured out how to flush the toilet!!!!!

Anyway, we had quite a laugh about that one! Thankfully, we live in an apartment and didn't have to pay to have someone fish the bath toy out!!!!
I'll post some recent pictures soon!
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