Here's a Video of Spencer and Cole feeding Nora! :)

The Boys Feeding Nora

Dad (talking to Cam for the 100th time!) and Sean

Matt (a bit shorter than usual) and Janelle

Dad on the phone with Cam, AGAIN.

Nora giving Uncle Mike Chips

Mom and Aunt Terri

Denise, Liz, Ashleigh and Nora

Uncle Denny and Gram

Pop and Patty


Kyle, Denny and Terri

Uncle Mike

The boys playing with their new toys!


Spence and Nora helping Aunt Terri open her gifts

My Handsome Babe! :)

Tim and Joel
just wanted to drop a post saying merry Christmas!! feeling a little better, and time is counting down till i get hitched! man is it getting closer. happy you all are able to enjoy Christmas more this year. see you all soon! give my niece a kiss from me for christmas! love you all... steven
I guess there are so many possibilities for why cameron would call, but I think I've narrowed it down to 2 :)
Miss you guys!
Your secret Admirer
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