So, here's pictures from Christmas morning at my parents house. I spared all of us adults from everyone seeing what we look like in the morning, so it's mainly Nora.
Nora concentraiting on her unwrapping!

OOH!! Jewelry!

Lizzy gave Nora a princess/ballet costume, here's her crown!

PRETTY! She loves to dance in this

Cameron playing his Guitar Hero III

Tim, playing Guitar Hero

Nora TRYING to play Guitar Hero!

Cam and Dad at the computer...

and Janelle texting Matt...go figure.
I'm going to keep voting in your poll. FOOOOOOD!! (and the people you go with, of course). MMMM.....fried veggies, milkshakes, apple-everything....*sigh*. Are you guys going this year? :) ~Destiny
Are gary's legs getting whiter? lol
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