Here are the pictures from the Farm Show! Sorry it took so long! Our computer is dying and after it shuts off for the 100th time, I just give up trying to upload pictures!!! :)
We went with our good friends Dan & Amy and Tim's sisters, Rachel & Abigail. We had a great time!!! Especially searching for the Turnips!!!!!
Here's Dan, Tim and Nora next to a BIG TRUCK!!! Such boys!!!

Here's some cute pics of the new hatchlings!!

We finally got to see the Ducklings go down the slide! We always seem to miss it.

Nora's not so sure about the ducks and chickens. A note to Brian: the Poultry Room just WAS NOT the same without your God given ability to sound like a Rooster/Chicken!!!!!! I missed it.

Here's Nora petting a bunny...and making a new friend!
The Stroller was a waste! She wanted to walk like everyone else!
Here's the LONG wooden Canoe that I remember getting into when I was little!
Daddy and Nora looking at Snakes and Reptiles
Nora checking out the Turtle!
She wasn't sure about the skunk...I wasn't either!!!
MMM...Cotton Candy!
Aunt Rachel bought Nora a cowgirl hat! Nora LOVES HATS!!!
We found the turnips in THIS room...go figure!
Abby, Rachel and Nora
Nora...begging for Daddy's Cream Soda
Nora "tickling" Amy with her Peacock Feather!
Nora's turn!
Now she's "tickling" Dan
Time to get Daddy!
Amy and Nora!

Amy and Nora!