January 5, 2008
It took me a while, but here are the picture from our trip to Charleston, WV for Steven and Rachel's wedding. It was fun to spend some time with Steven and Rachel (for a little bit! She was busy with the final touches for the wedding, of course!) Here's a sample of my pictures.
This is on our way to Charleston, WV

Donna, Rachel and Abigail in the van

Nora, after I told her she should go to sleep!

Another view on the trip

Our Room at the Residence Inn. There was enough room for us to hang out, which was nice!

Mom chilling out after a long day

Rachel in from of the fireplace

Nora playing with Uncle Steven

Nora running away from Aunt Theresa! My guess is that tickling was involved!

Nora playing with her tea set

Goofy brothers

Tim and Steven

Mom and Rachel

Rachel and Steven

Nora hanging out in the Nursery during the Rehearsal

Steven, David, Tim and Brett (the groomsmen)

Steven and David (the Best Man)

Rachel and Abigail after our late night Hair straightening marathon!

Rachel soon-to-be Clark getting some final touch-ups

The groomsmen (and an usher?) chilling, trying to kill some time

Steven and Tim, both looking a little pale...up to late playing video games I think!

The beautiful Bride!

Rachel and Steven

YEAH! Mr. and Mrs. Steven Clark! Welcome to the family Rachel!

Aunt Abby and Nora munching on a cookie!

Nora giving Daddy kisses!

Rachel and Abigail! They loook so pretty!

The Bowman family - Betty (Donna's sister), Doug, Mary, John and Nicole

Betty, Mom and Grandma Lee

The happy couple!

Cake Time!

our little family picture

Doesn't Tim look so HANDSOME!!

Steven and Theresa

Tim, Steven and Theresa

Tim and Theresa
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