So, we've said goodbye to our apartment at East Park Street. While it was such a small apartment, we've had so many good memories there! Here's a little look at our memories!
Nora & Cole playing in December 2006

Nora's Mohawk

Nora's Hospital stay over New Years 2007

Nora with Daddy

Nora hanging out

Nora LOVES her hat!

Making a mess in the kitchen!

Getting our Christmas tree with friends (Here Mike is trying to "bribe" Nora into liking him more than Destiny)

On the wagon after picking out our tree

Our Family picture at Christmas

Nora's first experience with the tree!

Nora playing in the snow

Mmm, my first time making marmalade

Nora all dressed up!


Nora's FIRST time painting!!

She's really concentrating!

Our friends, Kirk & Amanda, Dan & Amy, over for New Years Eve!

Mmm, Fondue!!

Nora and Daddy chilling out

Mmm, CHOCOLATE!! She's my girl!!

Nora playing under the table

Nora being silly

Nora and Dan looking out the window. A favorite pass time for Nora as she looked for Daddy, friends and puppies!!

Nora & Mommy at the park by our apartment


Nora & Daddy at the park

Nora's 2nd Birthday

Nora and Daddy reading

Nora cleaning up after she pulled ALL her clothes out of her dresser

Nora after getting into Mommy's lipstick!

Mike & Destiny at Arts in the Park

Amy, Dan, Kirk and Amanda at Arts in the Park

Cole, Spencer and Nora having Popsicles on the back porch!

Nora, Cole and Spencer taking a bath!

Nora & Pooh
1 comment:
Oh, what fun memories! We loved getting to know you better while living there. Remember when we wanted to move into the same apartment complex?
We can't wait to make more fun memories at your new place!
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