Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Baby Update

So, today started with a bang!!! My "Morning Sickness", which is really ALL DAY sickness has reached to the vomiting stage. :( It happened in the morning and then again in the car. My Doctors told me that my gall bladder caused such horrible "morning sickness", but obviously, they were wrong. (For those of you that don't know, my gall bladder was taken out 8 weeks after Nora was born).

We walked into the Imaging Center (I was rather green) and I was able to keep it together for the ultrasound. I wasn't sure I was going to make it.

Finally, we got to see the baby's heartbeat! It's still so little, but it's heartbeat was 117 bpm!! It's so amazing to me that they can record a heartbeat when the baby is so little.

I'm 6 weeks and 5 days, which is on target with what they thought last week. So, things are looking good for an April 16th due date!

P.S Sorry I haven't been posting as much, we've been at my In-Laws helping get the basement ready for us to move in. The move in date is somewhere in the middle of September and there is MUCH to do!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!!! I'm so excited it went well (minus the all day sickness). :)I was thinking of you. I'll call you sometime this week to catch up.