Thursday, August 23, 2007

A sad, sad day...

I'm very sad, because yesterday at the Elizabethtown Fair, our digital camera died!!!! It has seens its final days. :( Tim had it all in pieces on the table last was quite comical actually. He was taking it apart for the thrill, knowing he wouldn't get it all back together again. There were so many little screws!! After a few electric shocks, it ended up in the trash. Although, he kept the LCD screen. WHO knows what for! It was a good Camera while we had it. It's 5 years old, so I'm really wanting a new one anyway...but there's always something more important to spend money on!
All that to say...I won't have weekly pictures of Nora's activities until we can get a new camera! So, if we are spending time with you and you have a camera...please snap away! Then send the pictures my way and I'll post them for all to see! :)

We went to the Fair with the Noss Family last night. We had a great time, thanks to the Southalls for lending us the Backpack for Nora. She loved being on Daddy's back...there was so much to see from up there!!! There was lots of yummy food, like "Rhino Fries" from T. J. Rockwells and a yummy beef & onion steak sandwich! Nora was happy with just her Crackers! Of course, Dove Chocolate was there and we got a box of FREE Dove Chocolate! Yummy! For those of you that don't know it, there is a Dove factory in E-Town. When we moved here last year, it didn't take long to find out! The air smells like Freshly Baked Brownies!! Some days, I crave chocolate ALL DAY LONG, because that's all I smell! My motto since we've moved here has been "It's impossible for women to diet in E-Town!! Your house, the air, everywhere smells like Chocolate!!!!!"

Anyway, the least they could do, is give us some for free at the fair!! :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

You know we always have our camera wherever we go!