Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Baby Update

We had our weekly appointment yesterday.

Elise passed the Non Stress Test.  It took a while because she decided to fall asleep, but after some snacks the Dr. got what he needed to see.

My BP was 140/88...not great, but not terrible.

We also found out that my C-section isn't scheduled until April 14th!!!  I was not anticipating them waiting till I was 40 weeks, but that's when they have me scheduled.

Since the bed rest is working, I have 2 more weeks to go.  Obviously if I go into labor, or something else happens, they will go ahead and do the c-section before the 14th.

We have the Biographical Profile on Friday, we'll let you know if anything new happens there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Craziness! It will be here before you know it, though. :) Let me know if you need anything. I can drop by again... Missin ya. (Destiny)