Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Modified Bed Rest...

34 Weeks - 6 Days

Today we had our weekly OB appointment.

My blood pressure was 145/90, but there were NO traces of protien in my urine (which is really good).  The midwife went over my blood work from the hospital on Saturday and everything looks good, except that I'm anemic (need more iron).

I've officially been put on "Modified Bedrest", which means that I'm allowed to get up for 5 minutes at a time for things like the bathroom, showers, getting food and going to a different room.

Otherwise, I'm supposed to stay on my side, switching every half hour or so (to reduce the chance of blood clots).

We had a bit of a scare, when the midwife couldn't find Elise's heartbeat!  But, found out that was because Elise decided to switch positions her heart was in a different place!  They had to get an ultrasound machine to check her, and it turns out that she is BREACH!  She was in perfect position for a VBAC two weeks ago and decided to switch on us.  I've been given some positions to try and get her to switch back!  We really have our hearts set on a VBAC, so we are praying she switches back.

I'm pretty bummed that I'm on bedrest.  I know that it's only 5 weeks, but I really wanted to avoid this!  I want Elise to be safe and to come at the right time...but this really is a bummer.

Anyway, I'll let you know if there are any other changes!  Thanks ahead of time for your prayers!

p.s while doing the ultrasound, the midwife could see Elise "practicing to breath"!  She said this was a good sign (this was before she detected a heartbeat) because that means that she's NOT in distress.  Baby's who are in distress don't practice breathing.  We were able to see her chest rise and fall.  It was pretty cool!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Ick! I'm so sorry that you had to get so much bad news at one appointment... Bed Rest and Breech... Two things a pregnant mommy hates to hear. I will be praying for you guys. I am very familiar with the frustrations and temptations of bed rest. From my bed of rest to yours, hang in there! I've been on for over 5 weeks now and it has gone faster than I would have originally thought. I wouldn't imagine that they will keep you on BR up until your 40 weeks, though I don't know anything about the issues with preeclampsia. If I get off before you, I would be more than happy to help out with anything you need or to just keep you company. Enjoy the down time and recharge for Elise's arrival!